I appreciate there are a plethora of posts about this particular subject online, ranging from the simple to the sublime, however I just need something to remember the basic order of things and something to remind me of the component parts.
Let’s start with what we don’t need:
- virtualbox-guest-dkms
- virtualbox-guest-utils
- virtualbox-guest-x11
So we must remove them
sudo apt remove -y virtualbox-guest-x11 virtualbox-guest-dkms virtualbox-guest-utils
Now let’s remember what we do need:
- Linux Headers
- build-essential
- dkms
apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential dkms
Right, now onto the more VirtualBox specific stuff, because there are guest additions for every version that is released (hence this is a “Brain-Ache”, because you have to remember every time you upgrade the kernel).
Edit (m-a may be required, I run it anyway, just in case)
# m-a obtains any required headers that may be missing for the compilation of everything on your systemm-a prepare
First lets download our version of guest additions, check your version of VirtualBox in the about, you will see the version number you need, in the image you will see it is 7.0.20.
So you will need to replace the x.x.x below with your version.
wget https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/x.x.x/VBoxGuestAdditions_x.x.x.iso
So we now have the correct version of the guest additions image, now we need to install them.
sudo mkdir /media/isosudo mount /path/to/iso/VBoxGuestAdditions_x.x.x.iso /media/iso -o loopsudo /media/iso/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
Because I happen to keep several kernel versions on my machine I build the guest additions for all of them using the rcvboxadd command.
sudo /sbin/rcvboxadd quicksetup all
But you can replace the all with nothing at all and it will use the current kernel or you can replace it with a specific kernel by supplying the version number, eg. 6.8.11
There you go, simples and remembered for posterity, hopefully someone else will read this and think .. ‘Hey, that’s proper simple, just what I needed’. You’re welcome.
Click here for the Kali Dragon feature image details
The feature Kali Dragon image is a desktop image that can be downloaded from https://wallpapers.com/kali-linux
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